
谭力海,认知神经科学教授,博士生导师;山东师范大学学士(1984),北京师范大学硕士(1988),香港大学博士(1995),美国匹兹堡大学博士后;曾任香港大学助理教授、副教授和终身教授(1999-2014),美国NIH研究员(2004),乔治城大学儿科系客座副教授(2005-2008);2020年加入暨南大学组建科研团队,主要从事人脑的语言功能定位、康复、解码和可塑性研究;已发表 SCI 期刊学术论文百余篇,包括作为通讯或第一作者发表在 Nature (1 篇)、Science Advances (1 篇)和PNAS (10 篇)上的论文;主持的重大项目包括国家973 计划项目(首席科学家)、广东省重点领域研发计划脑科学重大专项项目和广东省创新创业团队项目。
Li-Hai Tan is currently a cognitive neuroscience professor at Guangdong-Hongkong-Macau Institute for CNS Regeneration, Jinan University. Dr. Tan obtained Bachelor degree from Shandong Normal University (1984), Master degree from Beijing Normal University (1988) and PhD from University of Hong Kong (1995). He was a postdoctoral fellow of University of Pittsburgh, a full professor on the tenure term at University of Hong Kong, a research fellow of NIH, and an adjunct associate professor of Georgetown University Medical School. He joined Jinan University and started to establish the language neuroscience team in 2020. His group mainly focuses on language and the brain, using neuroimaging (e.g., fMRI and qMRI) and genetic techniques to investigate neuroanatomical and neurogenetic mechanisms underlying language processing and language disorders. Dr. Tan has published more than 100 SCI research articles, including those carried by Nature (1 article), Science Advances (1 article) and PNAS (10 articles) as a lead or corresponding author. He as chief scientist or PI has received a number of grants including one ‘973’ program grant, one Guangdong Key Research and Development grant, and one Guangdong Innovation Team grant.